Archive | June, 2013

End of School & Summertime!

22 Jun

School has ended, summer has started, and we start our 5 week USA adventure tomorrow!  Here are a few from the end of school, and what we’ve been up to this first week of summer.  Looking forward to seeing many of you this summer.

Last day of School!  Red and White day...

Last day of School! Red and White day…

Caroline with her 3 best friends - Akyla, Jude and Alexandra.

Caroline with her 3 best friends – Akyla, Jude and Alexandra.

Caroline and her teacher, Mrs. Gundle

Caroline and her teacher, Mrs. Gundle

Molly and Ms. Heidi

Molly and Ms. Heidi

Lucy and her teacher Ms. Gonzalez and para (teacher helper) Ms. Neha.

Lucy and her teacher Ms. Gonzalez and para (teacher helper) Ms. Neha.

Molly and her 2 best Dubai friends - Mary Claire and Lauren

Molly and her 2 best Dubai friends – Mary Claire and Lauren

Caroline perfected her middle eastern head ware.

Caroline perfected her middle eastern head ware.

Summertime in Dubai - what?

Summertime in Dubai – what?

Molly cruising the slopes!

Molly cruising the slopes!

Caroline - no hands!

Caroline – no hands!

Lucy and I heading up.

Lucy and I heading up.

Paddle boarding in the Arabian Sea!

Paddle boarding in the Arabian Sea!

Paddle Boarding!

Paddle Boarding!

Exhausted after paddle boarding!

Exhausted after paddle boarding!

My friends we traveled to Africa with!  Susan, Eliana and Kim

The Africa Gals!  We traveled to Africa with Susan, Eliana and Kim, with their husbands and families.  We had to say goodbye to Kim, she moved back to North Carolina, and Eliana who moved back to Houston.  Their expat assignments were finished.

And one last shot from their ballet recital last month.

And one last shot from their ballet recital last month.

Camel Crossing

12 Jun

One of my friends took this photo today while driving.  Hilarious!  Only in the middle east.
